Thursday, 20 October 2011

Lovaria Maladies...:: WHAT DOES A GIRL REALLY WANT … ?

Guys for centuries have never understood the way girls think or react, and girls find it rather weird that they don’t even understand that much which is so very obvious… so this goes out to all the guys who wonder how the neural networks of a girl’s brain work and theirs just fuses or goes into a blank mode of “??” state… 

If you love a girl, then you should mean it, like really, mean it, and please don’t just keep those feelings buried too deep within your heart, for she’ll have a tough time digging it out, and would rather tire out…

So the next question of yours would be, how am I supposed to tell her that I love her, I really do, but she just doesn’t believe me… oh dear, first of all, when she says she doesn’t believe you, she actually is trying to take out what’s inside you, what you really feel about her, so that she is convinced of your stand… (and not literally what she says) … 

Now there are different ways in which you could please her, and be her man, firstly you should know what she likes and dislikes, in terms of food, color, movie, cloth, drama, politics, books, life and everything under the sun… No, no, don’t go questioning her with the above list like a kaun banega crorepati contest, rather learn about it by spending time with her, over the span of few months…

And oh, being The Bodyguard or chacha chaudhary’s Sabu is a big NO-NO. Give her space to breathe, have her social life, and study life and you shall be welcomed like a prince long missed…  yes, we know, she’s your world, and you just can’t let go off her, but then it’ll be like the bird in the golden cage, who at first loved to come back to you after every flight, but now caged would suffer in your own very loving arms… 

And you can do away with all the little white sugar-coated lies, that would rise her expectations or something, causes she seeks for you to be an honest judge yet not harsh on her, I know, tough job guys, but what you get, nothing else can replace…. 

And here comes the bonanza :: Girls Love Surprises !! And if you would’ve noticed, she’s tried to surprise you more than once but a girl’s heart is such, that her expectations only rise multifold…and so you must, reciprocate, even though she never says it blatantly on your face… Girls love to underplay, but then guys fail to see one step beyond… surprise her with flowers, hugs, kisses, surprise visits, or make something for her with your own hands… And no, you shouldn’t be the one paying all the bills, or gifting gifts of money power, she’d only smile, but she knows that it wasn’t something you made, and soon would tire of all that money buys… what she'd never tire of, and something with which her heart would smile, would be a gift you made….  If she loves you, she cares about you, and nah, that doesn’t mean that you make her pay all the bills all the time, rather share it 50-50 or alternate treats… 

And continue the little things that make love, love … all the little things that matter… smile to her that smile when you first fell in love with her, sing to her even if you aren’t a singer, dance with her even if you don’t know an ‘s’ of the salsa… write to her letters, surprise her with an old picture of the two of you, make a memory chit box of all that you two shared, dress up as a clown one day (nah, not in public, she’d rather run away, but do the futterwhack when no one is around), paint for her, photograph her, whatever that comes naturally to you… and the way you feel… let it out, and express it with love, for after all, ain’t she the one you love ? Don’t you want to let her know what you feel for her, or will you let her do the guessing game with your mind, that rather turns out sour… 

Cause in the end, she is your princess, so crown her with all your love… 

P.S :: this note is for guys in relationship, but unable to figure out what his girl wants, and oh,statuary warning for guys ::  beware of girls who don’t take out their purse for any meal or call you up only when they want to shop :P (love is way away in a far island for you, dear boys, for thou art their atm in cases like those.) and neither this is for “desperate homeboys seeking love”  :P 

And of course, they’ll always exist the stereotypes of life-size teddy bears, plastic white teeth smiles, and partners of sex and break-ups … nor is this note meant for them… To them, I salute, for they’ve found peace in no-love-shove-jhamela…. :P (an uptrend skill in the 21st Century you know… )

Celebrate love, 
Its like an everyday festival that makes you smile…
So Happy b’day to lovers, and dreamers, and retired lovers … 

Cause love infects, whether you like it or not… 

Thursday, 1 September 2011

PDA.... give it a break.. !! :P

I bet you seen it in almost every corner of every place, quite literally I must say. But doesn’t it make you flinch, and stare at them incongruently… I mean I don’t know if that’s my specific problem or if people actually think the same way as I do… but hell yea, I am repulsed when I see these couple-dolittles walking hand in hand, where the girl is more concerned that if the sparkles of her skirt are still shinning, and the guy walking like a hunk, trying to act cool… or when you see them in the metro compartment almost into each other… people give it a break… wish they realize what public places or public transport means… and then most of the times the girls are cribbing about what’s with their life or people around them, while the guy tries to act as though he’s listening patiently… I don’t understand why people can’t just be who they are… with our without anyone… and yea, another fact, people seem to have lost their identities too, if you meet some friend of yours, the girl or guy standing next to them would be introduced as girlfriend or boyfriend rather than them having a name and that they happen to be together… Yes, sometimes I see, rather most of times I see people go out just for the fun  of it or because they couldn’t resist puberty changes in them… somehow, I try to analyze and then I see, how insecure they are themselves that they want to lean on someone… without realizing their own identity… Girls are stuck to the phone day and night, laughing and getting shy without realizing that the guy isn’t looking at her… or the guy checking out on the girlfriends’ friends and girls who pass by… what are they trying to pretend or who are they trying to fool, I know not…

But of course, there are those ones too who make you smile, ones who make feel you need one too, those ones, who are themselves, and not all so gooy or fake… those ones who make you see, what relationships actually mean… but those are definitely rare cases, like one in 10 metro stations… :P , and mostly in dreams and movies… 

But apart form that, I think people need to grow up, to realize what relationships actually mean, and not because if two people are of opposite sex, so they are bound to be together… Relationships are more than just kisses and hugs, more than the fancy gifts and life size teddy bears, relationships happen when you can understand one another, talk about the universe, laugh together, crazily fool around and yet enjoying every moment together…  its about the perfect balance, that if too sweet becomes too hard to take or too much salt loses its taste… its not just about making out and breaking up, its more about working it out, even if doesn’t feel perfect, its about waiting and believing for things to change, its about giving it a try till you are exhausted by its very presence… its about being yourself and being in love rather than not even knowing who you are… its about finding peace and solace rather than a few seconds of infatuation…

Its about loving someone’s soul, rather than his face… its about realizing your own mistakes and rectifying, its about accepting what’s around you and in you….

In the end, its all about you… 

Friday, 26 August 2011


I’ve been thinking about it day and night, trying to figure out where the problem lies, trying to seek for a root cause… it’s almost the hundredth time, I’m seeing singhvi trying to explain the congress’s stand, and the bjp counterpart arguing on how much the government lacks governance and the excited journalist, posing questions to excite the two parties against each other with another specialist on the topic of discussion… A different day, a different topic, but the same scenario… the journalist, just can’t believe or understand that people don’t understand common sense… that politicians are more busy about their own lives than the main cause, and that the public is too tired to try to understand what’s happening where, and that people’s understanding limit is just “out-of-scope” …. 

You see, the main problem lies, in understanding that the other person can’t see your perspective, cause that person isn’t tuned to your neural settings, and of course, no matter how hard you try, there’ll always be some things, that you have to sort out yourself, or be at peace with it… now, that’s talking about just normal human psychology.. But when I am talking about a larger picture, I’m talking about something like, common sense isn’t common sense to everyone, and what you see, is what others can’t… you know, you’ve heard all these ceremonious claps when people give a lecture, or say that how “they, themselves are responsible, rather than blaming anyone….yada…yada… ” .. Well, yes, we, as a society as a whole ARE responsible, but let me ask you, that rather than making all these flashy, “so true” comments, how much have you done from your side, and that do you even know the root cause… ? Claiming about something, without knowing the root cause, is like climbing up a pine tree looking for coconuts… I mean really… and then when you sit down with them, you go about how people should do this and that, and I silently stare… thinking… trying to tell.. “those people don’t see, what you are trying to tell”… I know you’d be like “how can they not see… I mean its so obvious..”… well, the point I am trying to make is, all people haven’t been brought up the way you have… and you know, you see all these characterless people making the news headlines, well, its more cause they weren’t educated the right way… and if you see, people being more self-absorbed, treating on the basis of caste etc… or even spitting and peeing on the roadside… cause they just weren’t educated… from the very complicated politics to the very usual “ethics” of living… people are not educated enough… Yes, I mean education… Education, not in the words of learning how to read and write and pass tests… but education, as in being taught, a way of living, a way of existing in peace and harmony with surroundings… it’s not about poverty or overpopulation, (though it adds up to the stress), but mainly about being educated the right way… of gaining knowledge and finding solace in it… well, I can’t blame the students for it, cause you see, it is a very vicious downward spiral… of uneducated teachers teaching students what they think they know… and students aligned into doing what they should do, without questioning… (something that most parents assert since the time they were born)… now, uneducated doesn’t mean illiterate, it rather means, that they are not teaching for the fun of it, or for the joy of opening young minds to another world.. (most probably they too were never shown the way, and thus incapable of surpassing knowledge that they never knew of.. ) … its not about the salary or personal life, but more than that… more about the joy of work itself and not another burden… and that’s something that goes for all kinds of job that people do… but I’m focusing on teachers more, cause they directly affect a child from birth.. You see, being born, is a blessing, if one can make the best of it.. You see, the best part of being born is, there’s everything unknown, everything that can be learnt in any way you like… almost any way that you can be mould to… but the beauty lies in the sculptor, but if the sculptor is no sculptor at all, then you end up with unfinished works that lead to disarrayed lives… sometimes, I see those parents sending their children school, hoping that the children would gain knowledge and be something “big” or take them off their plight… but you see, what is being taught, isn’t actually being taught at all… they are only fed with information to memorize, and nothing to look forward or delve into… and even all those fancy schools, with those amazing infrastructure, A.Cs and top class technology… I am not sure, if the human resource itself is as classy… 

Seeing the larger picture, being who you are, seeing more than just the mundane workings of people, understanding ethics, cause it comes naturally to you…. And discussing, questioning, living … !!! That’s what’s education is about !!! Of being able to comprehend.. And common sense being more common to everyone… it all starts from the very beginning… from the very day you step into the world of consciousness… of being able to tune yourself to the existing frequencies of “having a character” and an identity…. Of respect and worth… and now, we can’t just go around blaming all the teachers of the world with the assigned job of a “teacher” cause infact you are a teacher itself, the moment you surpass an information or something that instigates the person you are talking to, is teaching in itself.. Of interaction… of sharing… of existing… !! So yes, everyone is responsible, but this time, I hope you see why …..

So educate… Educate the ones around you, educate them about things they do not know, or haven’t known, it maybe difficult for students of older age, but can nevertheless give it a try… and never miss any opportunity to share any knowledge you have or would like to spread… 

Educate, cause it means more than just literacy… 

Saturday, 23 April 2011

I howl... !!

So, I was just looking through the Indian websites for summer projects, and got a sickening feeling while reading the eligibility criteria. Marks so n so n yada yada yada. And I was thinking to myself, why couldn’t they ask for a written essay and hold interview and review the student’s profile. Oh yea, that requires too much of hard work and Indians are bound never to such a thing, its not inbuilt in their character you see. And that tracked me back to my life in science in the Indian system. Maybe its worth writing a book, to talk about it, but surely there’ll be a billion cries about how good the Indian education system is and undergraduate studies are best (believe me, there are people who tell me that each day and all my reply to them is a questioning stare with a sarcastic ‘yes’). Maybe I am stuck up in a haphazard mess, of wrong time, wrong place, wrong people and everything wrong but that sets me into thinking that how can everything be so wrong and that leads me to thinking “Am I the one who is wrong all this while ?? ” …. I wonder, I seriously wonder about my existence and its purpose and wonder if people ever wondered about it too or are they just other creatures and machines bound to their everyday routine, bereft of creative thinking. I think I am surrounded by too many people belonging to the latter category in a place where there should have been none. When you first enter the doors of college, of a step further into the big world, believing to be entering into an adventurous ride, brimming with curiosity and pumped with enthusiasm, you don’t really expect yourself to slammed by dusted, directionless roads. First, the “Indian education system” fucks up your marks, then the cut-off marks rather slit your existence by a variation of 0.1% . Then you finally get into a college, you hope to make  friends and maybe the initial letdown wouldn’t have hurt so much, if at all you could carry yourself throughout along with your war of weapons of your desired subject. And seek for other warriors too. And initially, there are those who pose themselves to be such warriors but aren’t any. And even if u gave them the weapons, they would discard it away. No, I don’t have any grudges against them, but only a question as to why did they even opt to fight a battle when they didn’t want to fight. Let alone these warriors, the teachers, who could turn the tables upside down, inspire the warriors to pick their swords, turn out to be drained souls, bereft of joys of exploration and understanding. Studies were never about the chalk and blackboard, but they were a way of imparting knowledge of the universe we know till now, chalk was only a mean to sketch what you saw, when you couldn’t find anything in real that could explain what you tried to say. Yet, people got stuck to this fascination of chalks and laziness, where everything could be imagined even though they existed in real, the generator with the shaft couldn’t be identified or measured in scale, cause what they had known was only a rectangular plate between two blocks named as north and south pole of magnets about the size of half of a page of the answer sheet. And even when you want to discuss those engineering marvels you saw on nat geo last night, you’d only be confronted with questioning stares and blank faces. Let alone the voyage into space, the realities that surrounded them were just a manifestation of the unreal for them. It’s never just about the numbers you see, or the infinite derivations you rot, its something way deeper, of why it actually came and its significance. Fine, you rot, you score, you are the best machine that can memorize and write, but what about tomorrow, what would it be, when you are to discover, when you are to write by yourself, when are to think for thou self, oh yea, who bothers, cause you are more concerned about that mba degree you are going to get and the big fat salary that lures you from distant. Have you even ever like ever thought of what you are doing and why ? What does living actually mean to you ? Is it just to feed your greed and wants, and comply to the orders and wants of another homo sapien, or do you actually have a stand in this world ? And an individual identity… Does living only comprise of everyday booze and directionless days… haven’t you opened your eyes yet, or are your eyes smudged by the cataract of ignorance ? … Or Maybe I’m just tired… tired listening to cry babies, those crying for marks and those crying about how they have been pushed into science… if you never liked it, why take it, you had a choice, yes, the Indian system sucks, but that no way poses you to take the decision you’d want.. Sadly, even the meaning of science has been distorted into shreds of geek stories and the tag of a “sciency” cried by the ones who aren’t. And not just about science, I speak for those in humanities and commerce too, when how disgusted feelings arouse to see ever so increasing numbers of people who don’t know what they are doing, and claim to have a subject even when they don’t. thus, before you speak, know what you want to say, before you act, know what you are doing, and before you commit, know where you are heading to. But sometimes, I think my words go to deaf ears, and what I see, is something others just can’t, no matter how hard I try to explain, I’m afraid how many will really understand. Maybe my words would be misjudged as those of another cry-baby hating her life, and maybe my words would be just mocked as another weird cry. But, I howl, I howl in pain, I howl to the world out loud and tell them to stop and seek within.. I howl to find more companions in my mission to start the change, and it ain’t as though I just sit and howl, I’m digging my way into a deeper world of unexplored ventures and risked paths, cause I dare, I dare to dream admist the brackish fumes of ignorance and egoism. I dare to aspire beyond the barbered wires of rejections and forced failed attempts. I seek for a world, beyond today, I believe in a world of people who can truly see and hear words of one another, and appreciate the living in a cosmos, that never could have been ours....

Existence of God... and other things....

From the day we step into this world, we seek for dependence on parents, for they stand as our support, then we eventually grow, and our sphere of dependence (friends, family, relatives etc) also grows involuntarily. And in atleast a typical Hindu family, we sit in front of the deities join our hands and pray. What my question is, what is this prayer actually? Is it placing our insecurities about future in hands of someone supreme? Is it to ease the burden of responsibility we hold? Is to blindly follow a religion for it has been believed for centuries now? Or is it to tune down our ego that seems to pump bigger and bigger each moment? Everytime I hear people asking something or the other to god, but explain to me who is this god really? I do have respect for all elders and love for all, but does that inadvertently make me a God-follower, cause who is God? Someone you can’t see, but can feel? Well, that’s actually dark energy, you know… But really have we created some form ourselves on whom we can bundle up all our worries, insecurities and uncertainties? Why then is astrology so famous? Because we find it easier to blame someone else for things we did, politics is a wonderful example, also “Pechle Janam ka Raaz” series and God is always there to take in your blame rubbish, but somehow we lose one major part of ourselves, we lose our character that is the ability to own up responsibility responsibly. Why then Indians have such a big character-problem, well of course there are many reasons too, like over-population etc. But it’s just one of my theories you see. 

Well, I think if something happens, it just happens, things don’t go about the way you set your expectations, of course, you can do your best in order to achieve high probability of what you want, but what you want is not always what you get. And that’s the beauty, the uncertainties that make life such an exciting adventure: exciting, thrilling, ecstatic. But if you do pursue what you really want with utmost desire, your brain automatically starts to work in a similar process, chemicals I guess and alas! A eureka moment shall be on its way. It’s difficult to understand how the brain works, but surely introspection highlights our hindsight knowledge about things within us and around us. But really sometimes, things just happen in such a way, that we are left clueless why they should’ve happened, but after years or so, sometimes when we introspect we are just amazed by the beautiful pattern that was created, as though we were the ponds of a chess game and someone else was playing with us perfectly fine. 

Or maybe that’s just an extrapolation of my logic; to the wonderful things life gifts us each day. Sometimes; a bird’s rhythmic chirp, the cold blow of air swishing past your cheeks, drops of shower that tickle through your skin, an ant’s amusing behavior, the delicacy of petals that hang by a flower, peace in solidarity, flow of paint through the blank sheet, the cuteness of a little puppy, the weightlessness in deep waters, the sense of belonging when you’re surrounded by green woods, the carpet of flowers and leaves during autumn: well, all of these are just a small list of the infinite things that make you just happy, innocently happy, wonderfully happy, just plain happy which makes you smile, and laugh a little laugh involuntarily. Because sometimes you just feel, you’re a part of this beautiful cosmos, and you’re an entity of this cosmos; or maybe even when you’re not really thinking, it’s just an overwhelming feeling. Oh! Then comes the adrenalin rush: the excitement, the high: biking through steep slopes of a mountain, bungee-jumping, para-gliding, rafting through ice-cold ruffling waters, tackling the football past several defenders and scoring the crucial goal, excitement when you look up at the Hubble images of the cosmos or just plain exhilaration in understanding the mysteries of particle physics, or the feeling of skipping a heartbeat when you were talking to someone: now this too is a small list of many other things that make you feel on a high, excited and thrilled, I believe it’s mainly because of the large amount of uncertain factor that makes it special. So thus this human brain is certainly complicated, weirdly wired, incomprehensive, and interesting. And it prevents me from analyzing it further, rather confuses me as to what it is, how and why? 

All I’m left to say is, we are who we are, we do shape ourselves, and believe it or not but we do have an inbuilt consciousness, that helps us guide through difficult times, and I don’t see a reason as to why should we have to depend on someone else, we should be responsible enough to handle our responsibilities effectively. Well, if you ask me what are these responsibilities, then you should go ahead and ask yourself aka introspect, consciousness shall guide you, just keep that flame burning, principles stand strong, they shall be with you to the very end. The light, the flame is within you, don’t extinguish or ignore it. Carpe-diem!!! ^_^ 

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Listen Up !

Okay…. So I’ve always wanted to address this issue but never really got the time or the right frame of mind to put it all down. It started with a joke about a women’s stupidity that my friend forwarded me. Yeah, it was a funny PJ, nothing to be serious about right. Yeah, but disturbingly, there was a pattern I noticed, sex->women, less intellectual->women, talk more + think less->women, guided by emotions-> women, shopping->women, the dependent lot->women; and it was disturbing because not all women are what they are tagged to be. There are tags we don’t want; I want you to notice me as an individual, and not be seen by the paradigm glasses you wear. I am frustrated by what I see -> insecure girls who poster themselves the way others want them to be, men whose brains are controlled by the lower half of their body, media that seems to go crazy if some woman went naked, posters, banners, rape, trafficking -> I want to scream out, shout-> STOP, PAUSE, PLEASE JUST STOP…. Listen to what I have to say … STOP destroying the image of women, it’s none of your business, to play with others’ lives, and if you do portray something, do know that the audience isn’t educated enough or sensitive enough to realize the borderline between art and porn. And filmmakers, please have men who dance at pub naked when u show it in the movies, (then you’ll know the kind of criticism you face)… because it is uncomfortable to sit in a movie hall with hundreds of eyes glued to the big screen girl moving around, and Prakash Jha, women are not meant to be somebody’s wives for the only purpose of producing kids. And I feel frustrated to know that those saas-bahu, women-playing-mean-tricks, man-of-the-house serials still exist!! Ding-dong, we live in the 21st century!! Next time, I don’t want to hear from you, she is so n so’s wife…. Excuse me, who is she? Yeah I know she happens to be his wife… but who is she? And parents, (though most of us have been lucky enough) but there still exist parents for whom, daughter is a property, that’s sold at a bargain-able or at times fixed price, moved from house to house, just another item on the list, STOP! Humans are humans are humans and not objects. Neither are they objects of sex. And women -> please be independent, work just like another man. There is no difference, we are homo-sapiens. Men are not ATMs; you owe yourself a living and nobody else! Women! If you can’t work hard, then don’t work cheap, in your hands lie the image of women that exist across the globe. Men! Stop! Stop staring at that girl; she’s not what you saw on HT-CITY, and goddamitt she’s an individual, a homo-sapien just like you, stop your sick mind, stop your sick jokes, stop laughing, it isn’t funny, you are distorting the true picture. Don’t stay in compliance saying,”That’s truth, it can’t be changed, and it’s how it has always been!!!”… SHUT UP! Your compliance makes things worse. Change is what we can do, change our attitude, speak up against things that disturb you, aware the ones around you… It’s high time, I deserve equal respect, I deserve my freedom, and I deserve to be observed as any other individual -> untagged.

Women! Men! Media! Friends! STOP AND INTROSPECT PLEASE… you are disturbing my sleep. 

"Excuse Me"

They told me to write on a "current" topic.

Well, I’ve got a hundred topics spinning in my head, rather I think “current” is a relative term. What may seem new today would get stale by the very next day. Each day we pop up with the most “interesting” news, incredibly happening only in India. Lets see, How about the politicians blaming the nuclear deal waste to have come from outside but silenced after realising that homeground capital was responsible. Or media frenzy over Shohaib-Sania, poor souls whose lips tired of putting up fake smiles. Or Tharoor walking off admist all confusion, leaving behind his trademark style of causing upheavals of quarrels in parliament, keying the disclosure of IPL politics. Or endlessly hoping that something constructive yet to be done by talks between India-Pakistan, that still remain photographed in Hand-shake. Or CRPF themselves providing ammunition to Maoists. Or the “Save Tiger” campaign just becoming a poster. Or the humdrum of politics that seems to be only concerned about power…

But I’ve got something to tell you, something that ought to be told, something that one shouldn't turn a blind eye to. No, its not a “breaking news” that talks about milk containing formalin or villagers attacked by a bear. Its something that goes unheard, unheeded, untold.

You can print the big eye-catching advertisements of tutors, coaching centers that conform you a ticket to the best college. You can print the names of the best colleges, measure it in terms of infrastructure quality, faculty and what not. (The truth is, it is measured by the difficulty level of entrance exam.) But what you fail to see is what lies behind these big words. Rather I shall say we, the society.

Did we ever see a child cry to his sleep wishing he won’t get up to face the cut-throat competition. Did we ever realise the immense pressure we mount upon a child. Did we ever give a second thought that asking a child’s marks is equivalent of mocking or are we busy placing ourselves on the totem pole. Did we ever seek the sensitivities within us that lie unexplored. Did we ever stop for a moment to think if our child was actually getting educated admist the maddening rush…

Every year, lakhs of students get caught up in this competition frenzy, and thousands of coaching centres start up their business, for them each student is nothing but a packet of money (about 2lakh p.a. is their fees). Now imagine the kind of money they earn with thousands herded in one stingy place, like sheep herded into a room tagged with an identification no.. And every year thousands of students get caught up in this maze. It doesn't seem far when nursery kids would be trained to clear IIT-JEE. (And equally willing parents will get their kid admitted). Deluded by the glory of college, you slog and wear yourself out to the extent that you become a machine, solving each question that’s given to you. (In the end, the machine that’s fastest wins).

Now tell me are you even looking for humans? Do you even want to cultivate young minds? It’s a plain and simple answer -> NO! Cause it doesn't matter what kind of a person you are, it doesn't bother to you if we are interested in a subject, it doesn't matter if we are good at art, music or literature. The only thing that matters to you is whether we can “SOLVE” the questions printed on the question paper, and in the process we get trapped in the riddle of insanity. Why is it that the best colleges (of the world) have an actual comprehensive test, while we get stuck up to solve some 3rd year B.Tech questions (when we are still in school) And amazingly a high percentage of people actually appreciate this system! Where toppers (in the eyes of society, cause by chance he managed to get most of the questions correct in comparison to others) thank their school for support (a.k.a absence from school) and parents! I should rather stay mum about that! People have got air about marks, rank, marks, rank, marks, rank and that's  all!?! Where are we heading to? Can someone please push the pause button? Cause people have no idea what they are doing or whats happening around them!!

I wish God himself would come and explain to these people, but I guess even he ain’t got so much patience… May all rest in peace (the unfortunate lie)… Amen… I rest my case…